Superscript, subscript, and strikethrough are used for various reasons in writing, from footnotes to chemical formulae. On Microsoft Word for Mac, you can use the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + X. There is no default keyboard shortcut for strikethrough in Microsoft Word for Windows, unfortunately, but you can assign a shortcut if you find yourself using this formatting often. If you need to continue typing with regular text after this, uncheck the strikethrough option first. This will apply the formatting to the selected text. The strikethrough button in Microsoft Word.
#What is the keyboard shortcut for subscript in word plus
And to continue typing without the formatting, simply uncheck the superscript or subscript option. for subscript ctrl + ( press both control and button at same time) for superscript ctrl + shift + plus (press control,shift and plus (+) at same time) Mahesh Singh Madai, Passed MOS-2016 Updated 3 years ago Author has 181 answers and 608.1K answer views Yes there is.

Superscript and Subscript in Microsoft Word But what do these formatting options do? And how do you select them? In this post, we explain the basics. Microsoft Word has options to apply superscript, subscript, and strikethrough to text in a document. Superscript, Subscript and Strikethrough in Microsoft Word